Published inFlutter CommunityFlutter File upload using Multer,Node.js and MongoDB.Today we are going to talk about how we can integrate flutter with a node.js and MongoDB backend to store images on the server with the…Dec 22, 20203Dec 22, 20203
Published inFlutter CommunityFlutter Riverpod ft. Notes app in 10 minutes.Today we are going to talk about what really riverpod is and how you can develop production ready complex apps with this powerful state…Nov 12, 20201Nov 12, 20201
Published inFlutter CommunityFirebase Google Authentication made easy with new Firebase Update.Hey Guys, Today we are going to talk about the new firebase update from 30th September and how it changed Authentication methods.Oct 6, 2020Oct 6, 2020
Published inDev GeniusMake a Phone Call using Flutter AppToday we are going to talk about how easy it is to call someone directly from your flutter app so that it can be implemented in a…Oct 2, 2020Oct 2, 2020
Published inFlutter CommunityDog Breed Identification App with Flutter and tflite in 10 mins.So,Today we are going to build an app that on given an image of a dog shows you what the breed of the dog is.For this I have used Google…Sep 20, 20202Sep 20, 20202
Published inFlutter CommunitySorting Analyzer/Visualizer using Flutter.So, few days back I saw linkedin flooded with Sorting Algorithms Visualizer web projects and I thought if it’s possible in web then why…Sep 18, 2020Sep 18, 2020
Published inFlutter CommunityDevelop a full fledged Global News Flutter App in a day PART 3 ft. Firebase notifications.So, we have come to the last part of this news app with flutter series and we are just left with setting up notifications for our news…Sep 15, 20201Sep 15, 20201
Published inFlutter CommunityDevelop a full fledged Global News Flutter App in a day PART 2.So,In the part 1 of this series we designed our homepage for the news app that we are building.So, Let’s dive deeper and design our news…Sep 9, 20201Sep 9, 20201
Published inFlutter CommunityDevelop a full fledged Global News Flutter App in a day PART 1.Today we are going to develop a full fledged production ready news app from scratch. This app is created using a News API which is used to…Sep 3, 20201Sep 3, 20201
Published inDev GeniusCreate a REST API with node.js in 5 minutes.So, Today we are going to create a simple REST API with node.js and test it with Postman.Aug 31, 2020Aug 31, 2020